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Monday, March 20, 2017

Pain and what helped me

I used to experience a lot of pain. The pain was in my shoulders and neck. This pain used to be so bad that I didn't want to get in the chair. On days I did get in the chair I would have to lay down for two or three days afterwards just to be able to get back up again. This really got to be chronic. It started to affect my life a lot. It got to be a problem with trying to schedule things and go to events. I would have to plan everything out days in advance around the pain.

This pain really started getting bad about five years ago. I first tried painkillers and none of them seem to help. I tried many different kinds. The only thing that ever happened was the side effects. Which were usually not good.

I have also tried cortisone shots in the past. Those work but only for a short period of time. And they suck to have injected. If you have experienced it you know what I mean. I don't think I will ever do those again.

The next thing I tried was going to a chiropractor. I only went to one appointment. The chiropractor was scared to touch me I believe. I don't think he wanted to break me any more than I already was. I don't blame him. I didn't really want my neck cracked either.

One of the things that did seem to work was getting a massage. I have painful muscle knots all through my shoulders and neck. The only thing that seemed to lessen the pain in these knots was massage. I got a massage every couple weeks or month for about a year and a half.

The best thing I ever did for my pain was to start going to physical therapy. I have actually gone to physical therapy for over a year. The difference between the first visit and my last visit is unbelievable from my point of view. I have way more movement because the pain is less. I went to physical therapy twice a week for about a half a year and once a week for the other half a year. The stretching and exercises did more for me than anything I have ever tried.

If you are experiencing pain and know of a good physical therapist in your area, this is what I would suggest. But you have to do your part. If they tell you to do stretches and exercises, do them. This is actually the third physical therapist I have gone to and the first one that really helped. So keep on trying until you find the one.

Another thing that helps with pain is getting your wheelchair fit to your body. I did this for the first time about a year ago and got my new Ride Designs backrest and seat cushion installed in January of this year. The difference in comfort is immeasurable. Essentia's Physical Therapy department and Yorhom Medical Essentials got me fitted for my own personalized backrest that was custom formed to my own measurements. They also got me fitted for a new seat cushion that is supposed to help with pressure sores. Both preventing them and healing them.

If you are in southeastern North Dakota, go to Essentia's wheelchair clinic instead of Sanford's evil stepchild Healthcare Accessories, if at all possible. Essentia's PT department will get you in touch with Yorhom Medical Essentials which is based in Grand Forks. They do not suck. I repeat do not deal with Healthcare Accessories. They are the devil. I have dealt with them for over 20 years. This will help with a lot of pain and personal anguish. Trust me. They suck. The end.

If you have any questions about any of the healthcare medical suppliers, don't hesitate to contact me.

This used to be my motto, "Besides the pain, I don't feel a thing…" Don't let it be your motto. It sucks…

Thanks for reading, Clint

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