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Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Pickup's One Year Anniversary

Today is the one-year anniversary of getting the pickup. There are around 9000 miles on it. It would have a lot more if it wasn't for the 45 days hiatus in the hospital and other medical stuff. But any who. I can't thank you all enough for what you have done for me. I have been down more back roads in Southeast North Dakota, Southwest North Dakota and Northwest South Dakota this year than I have been down in my lifetime. I have been fishing more in the last three months than I have in the last 10 years combined. Hunting season starts shortly and this pickup will take me places I haven't been or could of gone in the last 24 years. Stay tuned for pics of stuff and things. This pickup really is a life changer. Nothing about it sucks. You all rock. Thanks, Clint.

For a little history on the pickup follow the link below.
Thankful for the pickup.

The Cave Hills in Northwest South Dakota.

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