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Monday, March 23, 2020

Corona stuff and things.

There are some that believe this virus is no worse than the common flu. There are some that believe the virus is the beginning of the apocalypse. I have friends and family in the medical field who believe this is nothing. I have friends and family in the medical field who believe this is going to suck. I am somewhere in the middle. Even the experts or the so called experts disagree on what is going to happen. Nobody knows. Going into something unknown is scary. The unknown is always scary. But scary doesn't mean it has to be bad.

I have done three months on my back a couple times. One of those times was at home during the summer of 99 and once in a medieval hospital during the fall of 07. Not saying it was a cakewalk but I got through it unscathed, kinda. Whatever is in store for us I think we can handle. I believe I can handle it. The fact is nobody knows how long things are going to be altered. Nobody knows what all is going to be affected. It could be things are affected forever. Things might never go back to the way they were. Different doesn't have to be bad. But you have to know we will get through it. Improvise, adapt and overcome.

Emotionally and financially there are going to be hardships. Some will be affected more. Some will greatly be affected. Lives will be disrupted in many ways. It is going to be different for everyone. I think the best thing we all can do is not freak out either way. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow may be different but it is still there.

I feel for the business that this is going to cripple. Some businesses may never open again. If some of those never open again that is going to suck. We need to support them through this as much as we can to keep them from going under.

It might sound weird but I believe I am prepared for whatever comes. I have been through the fire before and just like Johnny says I believe I can take a whole lot more. Lying on my back for 3 months in a hospital with multiple surgeries was no fun. Click here to read more about these good times. Being isolated with MRSA sucks. No worries, I am clear now. I had no clue when I was going to get out. No clue what the future was going to be. But I managed. Just like I know we will. My future didn't turn out full of suck. I have done a lot of stuff and things since those times. The future is always a bright, but sometimes you just have to squint a little.

Things will get back to normal. Our normal has been disrupted now. But it will get back to maybe a different normal. It's easier to be positive than to be negative…

I could throw a bunch of links on here than that claim they know what is going to happen. But everything contradicts everything. No one has a clue.

I know it probably bothers some people but I don't get too excited about too much. Things don't bother me. It is a good attribute to have in these types of situations. Big things don't bother me but I enjoy the little things. I think more people should be like that.

Thanks for reading, Clint.